Tuesday, November 19, 2024

51st Guards Tank Regiment OOB and recon incoming


The SJG Ogre 51st Guards Tank Regiment Order of Battle and reconnaissance photos as follows: 

SigInt recon photos:


Order of Battle Recon:

HQ: 4 plasic,1 metal Mobile Howitzer, 1 Metal Howitzer, 1 Metal HQ

OGRE Battalion: 2 Metal MKII, 1 Metal MKIII, 1 Metal MKIII-B, 1 Plastic MKIV, 1 Plastic Fencer-B

These are the same units - not duplicates.

4 Metal MSL Tanks

6 Plastic SuperHeavy Tanks

1 Plastic Command GEV, 5 Plastic GEV-PC

9 Metal GEV - 1 GEV is missing a fin:
The fin!

5 Plastic MSL GEV

1 Hover Truck

12 Metal Hvy Tanks, 6 Plastic Hvy Tanks [pictured in the rear]

6 Metal Lt Tanks [pictured in front], 12 Plastic Lt Tanks

2 Metal Missile Crawlers [Epic 40K line Mods - Magnetized Cruise Missiles]

12 Plastic Lt GEV

30 Metal Infantry Squads

6 Plastic Engineer Squads

9 Plastic HVY Weapons Squads

SIGINT Various Group photographs:
