Monday, December 12, 2022

Age of Sigmar Gloomspite Regiments completed

 The last 20-goblin unit of spear goblins with shields for an Age of Sigmar force. This unit now has 60 strong spear goblins. That makes a total of 103 models completed for this force. Here they are.

Goblin Squad #3

The completed force so far....

Da Boss.

20 x Shootas

The Goblin Command

20 x Stabbas #1

20 x Stabbas #2

20 x Stabbas #3

20 x Stabbas #1 Swords

3 x Fellwater Trollz

5 x Squighopperz

Nolzur's Alhoon [An Undead Illithid!]

 This is a try at OSL lighting. I found the more I messed with it, the worse it got. This is where I stopped. I give him a participation trophy... along with his Intellect Devourer friends.