This is the MilTek Corporations' 7th Armored "Tiger" Brigade. Available for contract work in conflict zones in as short as 18 hours time!
This Order of Battle diagram uses photographs of the actual miniatures in this army.
To see a better view - right click on the picture and choose open link in new tab.
Most of this army is comprised of metal minis from are BattleTech infantry and From Dust hover units used for the Missile GEV's.
Recon photos:
1 Plastic Command Post
1 Plastic OGRE MK V
2 Metal Mobile Howitzers
2 Metal Missile Crawlers
2 Plastic Howitzers
2 Metal Missile Tanks
7 Metal EXPERIMENTAL MBT-GEV. Rules on the Steve Jackson Games Forum
7 Metal Lt GEVs
4 Metal SuperHvy Tanks [Charlie Company]
8 Metal Hvy Tanks [Delta Company]
8 Metal Hvy Tanks [Echo Company]
12 Metal Lt Tanks
12 Marines Squads [these are Battletech Elemental Infantry]
6 Plastic Marine Engineer Squads [these are Battletech Heavy Infantry]
24 Plastic Hvy Weapons Infantry Squads
30 Plastic/Metal Infantry Squads
4 Metal GEV-PCs
13 Metal GEVs
Assorted pics: