Sunday, December 15, 2024

Updated Terminators and Terminator Captain for Legio Fulminata (They were bothering me!)

 I wasn't happy with the color on these minis. The color looked too orange-ish next to the rest of the Legion, so I fixed it. They don't bother me anymore!

Before with orange-ish highlighting...

And after the new red was applied. They don't bother me anymore.

Some 1974 Saracen looking Mercs!

 Not sure what the company was or the game system, but here are some old school minis for a TT wargame from out of the seventies. Black Sabbath and Kiss were putting out their first records when these were made... and they were difficult to line on because of the age and the molding methods used back then. All in all, a good set for a campaign somewhere.

A badly molded Reaper Blacksting, Wyvern 02636 #2 On the Table!

 This miniature is such a dynamic sculpt that I had to buy one for myself and see what I could do with the colors. Unfortunately, the miniature that I purchased was a factory defect. At some point, Reaper Miniatures produced a run that the base did not come out good enough so they shipped it with a plastic base instead. So I made my own. For a first try with putty, baking soda/cement mix, blue Tac and paint... it looks pretty good! This is still only about 50 percent complete. I'm looking forward to seeing how this one turns out!

This is the color palette I chose for this model.

New base work begins.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

MilteK 7th Tiger Brigade OOB and recon

 This is the MilTek Corporations' 7th Armored "Tiger" Brigade. Available for contract work in conflict zones in as short as 18 hours time!

This Order of Battle diagram uses photographs of the actual miniatures in this army.

To see a better view - right click on the picture and choose open link in new tab.

Full 7th Tigers!

Most of this army is comprised of metal minis from

There are BattleTech infantry and From Dust hover units used for the Missile GEV's.

Recon photos:

1 Plastic Command Post

1 Plastic OGRE MK V

2 Metal Mobile Howitzers

2 Metal Missile Crawlers

2 Plastic Howitzers

2 Metal Missile Tanks

7 Metal EXPERIMENTAL MBT-GEV. Rules on the Steve Jackson Games Forum here.

7 Metal Lt GEVs

4 Metal SuperHvy Tanks [Charlie Company]

8 Metal Hvy Tanks [Delta Company]

8 Metal Hvy Tanks [Echo Company]

12 Metal Lt Tanks

12 Marines Squads [these are Battletech Elemental Infantry]

6 Plastic Marine Engineer Squads [these are Battletech Heavy Infantry]

24 Plastic Hvy Weapons Infantry Squads

30 Plastic/Metal Infantry Squads

4 Metal GEV-PCs

13 Metal GEVs

Assorted pics:


51st Guards Tank Regiment OOB and recon incoming


The SJG Ogre 51st Guards Tank Regiment Order of Battle and reconnaissance photos as follows: 

SigInt recon photos:


Order of Battle Recon:

HQ: 4 plasic,1 metal Mobile Howitzer, 1 Metal Howitzer, 1 Metal HQ

OGRE Battalion: 2 Metal MKII, 1 Metal MKIII, 1 Metal MKIII-B, 1 Plastic MKIV, 1 Plastic Fencer-B

These are the same units - not duplicates.

4 Metal MSL Tanks

6 Plastic SuperHeavy Tanks

1 Plastic Command GEV, 5 Plastic GEV-PC

9 Metal GEV - 1 GEV is missing a fin:
The fin!

5 Plastic MSL GEV

1 Hover Truck

12 Metal Hvy Tanks, 6 Plastic Hvy Tanks [pictured in the rear]

6 Metal Lt Tanks [pictured in front], 12 Plastic Lt Tanks

2 Metal Missile Crawlers [Epic 40K line Mods - Magnetized Cruise Missiles]

12 Plastic Lt GEV

30 Metal Infantry Squads

6 Plastic Engineer Squads

9 Plastic HVY Weapons Squads

SIGINT Various Group photographs:
