Thursday, September 28, 2023

Legio Fulminata gets a Chaplain and his retinue.

 The Chaplain and the Veteran Assault Squad SGT are metal minis from the mid 90's and the other 4 assault marines are from a 2008 set - that was primed very badly. Some of the details were filled in with spray paint. By someone. 

These aren't complete yet, but are for the most part. POTATO pics:

Still working on this guy. Not happy with the way he's turning out. Something about the metal that just doesn't take the paint well at all. Or photos for that matter.

The assault squad 'red shirts' turned out less than good. The primer was sprayed on much too thick some many years ago, and the details are gummed up and had to be freehanded. I think I bought these off of eBay already put together and primed in around 2010. Not happy with these.