Tuesday, August 8, 2023

In honor of the First Born Space Marines being phased out of Warhammer 40K: 1990's assault marines!

So GW has sidelined the old(er) Space Marine models from the 80's and 90's and some kits from the 200 -2010 editions of WH40K. I started playing Rogue Trader and then played through 2nd edition and 3rd edition at Ft Hood and the DFW FLGS, such as they were back then. I still have a good lot of these old models, so I thought I would home brew a new chapter and paint them up - much better than my old chapters that actually saw the tables of the 41st Millennium.  These went through some changes before being settled on. They are modeled after the old Roman Legions in Gaul and Persia. 

The roman 12th Legion Fulminata or Thunderbolt Legion.

This is one of the almost finished marines as the color looks now.

The first tries were a much lighter blue-grey.

These are the first iteration of the 12th Thunderbolt, 6th company Assault Marines.

And here they are as of yesterday and with the much darker colors and with the unit markings almost complete. I have yet to settle on the Army Badge...