United States - North American Combine Command [USNACC - 1] 03:34:07 zulu
Several short-burst ELF radio transmissions from just outside of the old Sheffield Nuclear Plant are detected by SATINT USNACC-1 EURCOM relays.
Priority: Normal.
Title: Unidentified radio burst near Sheffield, UK. Close proximity to site of former Sheffield OGREWERX factory.
Source: undetermined.
Destination: undetermined.
Anomalous Machine Language. unidentified.
Objectives: Reconnaissance in force. Establish control of Sheffield OGREWERX area of operations. Ensure no ongoing United Kingdom operations are active. Eliminate any UK presence in AO without sacrificing operational effectiveness. The use of Tactical Nuclear Missiles is authorized.
Strategic Air Transport will be standing by and remain in the AO until the Evac signal 'Geronimo' is called.
From: Chief Operating Officer - Miltek Corporation
To: 7th Brigade Command Department; MiltekCom; LogisticsSupplyCom;
To all concerned departments and personnel:
The MilTek Corporation has been called on to meet contractual obligations through the Pan-European Intelligence Service and the ECC as the premiere rapid-response units in the British Isles.
Assignment: Meeting engagement with US NAC troops deploying in and around the former Sheffield OGREWERX plant.
Area of Operations: Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Target: United States NAC units moving toward the area of Sheffield, England.
Background: The United States North American Combine Command has deployed combat resources inside the ECC [English] Area of Operations near the old Sheffield OGREWERX factory. These forces have a large slow-moving artillery train which has a high probability of including nuclear missiles. The USNACC-1 Command is in direct violation of Pan-European and British interests. It is unclear as to the objectives of this force.
SigInt has provided us a window of opportunity to launch a strike against this heavy recon force of 18 hours. The mission of the USNACC is unclear, but must be high priority to move this size force into the English mainland.
Several low-bandwidth ELF signals were detected in the immediate area of the OGREWERX approximately 48 hours before the deployment of NAC forces. This may be a reaction force to determine the source of those signals.
At this time, no intelligence assets are aware of the nature of these transmissions. The signals terminated and have not been detected again.
The 7th Brigade will deploy a large Combined Arms Force to the AO and eliminate the US NAC units. The 7th Tigers will deploy all assets that can be combat ready within 10 hours to include tactical missiles. Per the contract Service Level Agreements in place, and with no PE or ECC units in the AO, the 7th is Free to Fire First. The 7th Brigade OOB can be read here:
This operation is expected to be casualty heavy as the 7th Brigade may need to dig-in and defend the area. Several Companies of infantry will be deployed for this purpose.
The Analytics Department has deemed 40% losses to be acceptable, though the Strategic Planning Board does not agree to this estimate with the threat of Cruise Missile Crawlers being in the operations area.
Good hunting Tigers!
Scenario - Meeting Engagement
Forces involved: 350 Points of MilTek Corporations 7th Brigade vs. 350 points of the United States North American Combine Command
Objective - No Objectives defined. Kill Points only. Forces will deploy from the table edge.
The Strategic Map:
The Tactical Map:
The Miltek 7th pushed two flights of GEVs forward to get eyes on targets.
The MilTek right flank with GEV-CMD vehicle in the maneuver element. |
The USNACC-1 forces spread out to meet the opposition forces in and around Sheffield.
The maneuver element on the right flank keeps pace with the slow movers deploying into the urban enclave.
MilTek GEV Flight 1 takes first blood on the US forces. |
USNACC heavy armor and artillery move into Sheffield.
The MilTek Commander takes the nuclear initiative as First Strike was authorized. 5 Heavy Tanks and 2 Light Tanks were vaporized and three Super Heavy Tanks and 2 Light Tanks were disabled for a turn.
MSL GEV's skirmish with the Heavy Armor and Artillery on the Eastern edge of the battlefield. |
MilTek Infantry and Artillery finish deploying in the urban area while the maneuver element consolidates on the hills and in the forests.
And then the Americans unleash the first of two nukes which would obliterate the MilTek right flank.
The American missile took out exactly 5 heavy tanks and 2 light tanks equaling the toll that the British forces exacted with theirs. |
The USNACC pulled the bulk of the armor into the center of the battlefield and got ready for the final push on the MilTek ad-hoc stronghold...
The American Commander contemplates the current battlefield conditions. The battlefield looked to be firmly in his control at this point.
GEV Flight 2 harassed the American armor in the middle, but was overrun. Only the GEV commander, 'Tiger 2' was able to separate and fall back.
The US Commander fires the other missile at 'point-blank' range for a missile... but the British artillery take it out over his forces.
MilTek Infantry and Artillery hunker down in the cover of the urban area and wait for the Americans to strike.
The USNACC Commander reluctantly orders the advance against the dug-in British positions.
The British Commander decides that dying en mass inside cover is not the British way, and orders the armor forward into the middle of the American lines:
The MilTek armor takes its' toll on the advancing Americans. This was the last stand for the MilTek 7th, and a very British gamble. |
At this point, the battle came down to straight dice - and the MilTek Commander had his GEV-CMD vehicle positioned so the 10-inch command radii covered almost every firing unit, giving them a +1 on the Attack Dice. It was a "Bloody Smashing success!" for the British gunners.
The USNACC-1 Commander calls Geronimo at this point and begins to withdraw from the field and ready the remaining American units for air transport.
The MilTek Commander allows the NAC units the peaceful withdrawal and evac from the Area of Operations without terms.
The source of the strange telemetry was not discovered.
From: Chief Operating Officer - Miltek Corporation
To: MilTek_BOD; MilTek_CMD;7th Brigade Command Department; MiltekComHR; LogisticsSupplyCom;
To all concerned departments and personnel:
The recent action in the Sheffield Area by the 7th Brigade resulted in a complete withdrawal of USNACC forces in the area.
Due to the bravery and valor of the 3rd company 'SuperCat' Super Heavy Company, the Brigade XO, The 2nd Armor Company CO and XO were all KIA.
The HR Department has opened up these positions to be filled until further notice and encourages all qualified officers to apply.
There will be Krumpets and Tea served in the HR Breakroom/HQ Facility at 0900 hours tomorrow.
American USNACC-1: 162 points.
MilTek 7th Brigade: 202 points.
MilTek 7th Victory!