Thursday, January 20, 2022

MilTek Corporation 3rd GEV Battalion 7th Brigade Combat Team


The Sons of Old Nassau have been kicked to the curb in favor of the MilTek Corporations' 7th Brigade Combat Team. MilTek! For all mission critical needs!

As it turns out, The Sons of Old Nassau are the Princeton Tigers... lame. I had already started the painting though, so they are now MilTek 7th "Crimson Tiger" Brigade. The GEV Battalion is almost ready and initial catalog pictures are available.

These are a combination of SJG OGRE Miniatures, miniatures and Dropzone Commander minis. They will be a Corporate mercenary force based out of London, UK.

The larger models in back are MilTek experimental MBGEVs.
1 flight of SJG LGEVs up front
2 x Companies GEVs with Battalion Commander GEV.
1 x Company Missile GEVs
1 x Company (+) MBGEVs

Right now, there are 4 PC-GEVs to paint and that will round out the 3rd GEV Battalion.
The Armor Battalion and HQ Battalions await paint!

Original SJG Warehouse23 LGEV models ready for deployment.