Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Also, a Swamp Thing

 This is a 3D resin print I did for a friend. I'm not sure what he is, but he looks happy!

Legio Fulminata doubles in size! Full OOB for 4th Edition

The Thunderbolts got a new Tactical Squad, Assualt Squad, Devastator Squad, Razorback and Librarian these past few months. Paint table has been busy and I decided since a lot of the models are from the 90's and early 2000's that this will be a 4th Edition army for Warhammer 40K. I need a couple of Predator Tanks to beef up the Heavy Support Options and maybe a Veteran Squad.

I forgot to dust the minis off and fix the lighting before starting this quick update.

 I promise they look much better in person!

 HQ Choices: 

Commander in Terminator Armor, Librarian and Chaplain with Jump Pack.

Troops Choices: 


Tactical Squad1

Tactical Squad 2

Heavy  Choices: 

Devastator Squad with 2 Heavy Bolters and 2 Plasma Cannons

Devastators dedicated Razorback transport

Elite  Choices: 
2 Dreads and a Terminator Squad with Assault Cannon are the 3 elite choices.

Fast Attack  Choices:

Full Fast Attack Group

Assault Squad 1. The Chaplain will be attached here.

Assault Squad 2

Assault Squad 3

These are a random dump of 'better quality' pics in no particular order.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

12th gets more firepower.

 New Devastator Squad, Assault Squad, Razorback Transport, Dreadnought and a Librarian join the 12th!