Saturday, July 22, 2023

WIP: Svetlana, Frost Giant Princess. (Reaper Miniatures)

 She's looking really nice so far, but the more I look, the more I see a LOT of clean up needs to be done before she's actually finished.

WIP: Svetlana, Frost Giant Princess

Saturday, July 8, 2023

The Game. Work has started again....

 Picking this back up and forging ahead. The ruleset is no longer Gamma World, but a new set derived from GW 3 and 4, Twilight 2000, d20, Fallout Frontiers, Zombicide and my own sets of mechanics. The Rule Book has been added to the pile. I'm trying to pare down the rules to something efficient and fun, but encompassing a broad spectrum of possible situations at the same time.

A very wide but shallow river if you will.

And this is the new (old) workbench for my tinkering including the 60+ models I've purchased and painted this year as generic plastic X's for the tabletop. Some of them have places in the Play Book (Campaign Manual) already though!

Kyra & Lavarath Reaper Miniatures #77557

 They are as done as they're going to get for now. Once I determine what to try and paint on the banner - I will finish it up and work the small details that are just okay right now like Kyra's face and armor. They are at a good level of paint right now, though.

Potato Pics:

WIP before the base and finer details.

And here are the mostly finished pics of Dragon and rider. I'm pleased at the overall result. The Dragon turned out to be an orange Dragon with the colors built up to be Autumnal.