Off the coast of a Greek isle named Aigina, an Armored Group belonging to the North American Combine (Central America) disembarks onto Greek soil. The objective: A temple complex to the godess Aphaea. Only El Guapo knows why...
El Guapo Groupo 1 - North American Combine Central American [EGG1-NACCA] goes feet dry on Greek soil for the first time in history, to take a Greek Temple Complex.
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"Dimitris, why all the boats come here?"
"I do not know, woman! Why you ask me silly question?
"Why you not know anything, silly man? All the time, I ask question, you no have answer! They have machines - look!"
"Ooof! Woman! Run to Athenios house and use phone. Call the magistrate!"
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Strategic Map:
Scenario - Three objective zones on the map with one 10 point objective in the middle temple complex and (2) 3-point objectives to the Northwest and Southeastern sides of the battlefield.
Forces involved: 300 Points of Greek Defense Forces vs. 300 points of NAC Central American forces. Forces deploy off of the table edge, with the NACCA Forces deploying first.
Objective - Meeting Engagement. Objectives on the map provide points every turn if a player has a unit wholly within that zone and is not contested. There are (2) 3-point areas, and (1) 10 point areas. If one side takes the central temple objective for more than 10 consecutive turns, the battle is won. VPs are also awarded for units destroyed.
Strategic Map 2:
Tactical Map:
El Guapo Groupo-1 would come from the South. The Greek defenders set up a Tactical Assembly Area just Northeast of the Temple of Aphaia.
Greek Defense Forces [GDF] GEVs take the 3-point objective in the Northwestern edge of the battlefield.
Initial contact of El Guapo Groupo-1 and the GDF GEV assets skirmish around the temple complex while the bulk of EGG-1 NACCA armor and infantry move into place.
In the distance, a second wave of NACCA GEV moves on the temple while GDF armor maneuvers to meet the Super Heavy Company and infantry.
The NACCA GEV Squadrons 3 and 4 move up to join the fray.
On the Western flank, an Armor Battalion rolls on the 3-point objective held by a single squadron of GDF GEV's - they would delay but not hold here.
On the eastern flank of the temple, GDF armor commander decides to roll southeast and take out the remaining NACCA GEV and deal with the few tanks and the infantry.
NACCA armor assault grinds into the fierce defenses of the Greeks. In the distance, the heavy infantry leave the city to unleash missile fire on the GDF armor engaging NACCA GEV squadrons 2 and 3.
The GDF armor engages EGG-1 NACCA GEV squadrons 2 and 3
GDF Armor neutralizes EGG-1 GEV squadrons 2 and 3 to the southeast.
El Guapo Groupo-1 heavy infantry deploy into the city to pick their shots.
EGG-1 heavy infantry jump the GDF armor with missiles. Most shots would fail to hit.
The GDF commander turns his armor on the EGG-1 heavy infantry. They would not have time to reload from the hover truck before being wiped.
The Temple Complex cleared and uncontested, and all EGG-1 NACCA threats eliminated elsewhere on the field, the GDF commander moves northwest to meet the last attackers.1 LGEV remained on the southeast 3 point objective and 1 heavy tank remained on the northwest 3 point objective. The last El Guapo Tank Company would be wiped by the GDF Super Heavies.
In the end, El Guapo Groupo-1 North American Combine Central American was wiped out by the Greek Defenders. Attempts by the Greek Government to contact NAC were unsuccessful, so the mystery behind the attack on the Temple Complex of Aphaea on the Greek Isle of AIGina may never be discerned.
Greek Defense Force: TOTAL VICTORY!
Until next time, fellow OGREnauts!