Sunday, March 29, 2020

The first Goblin APC's roll into inventory.

151st Mech. Inf. has begun. Only 9 more Goblins and Infantry stands to go. Oh yeah - and the 4 Manticores. (Shit! Those take a LONG time to paint....)

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Alpha and Bravo Troops 7th recon [Danger Close]/ 149th ACR

The recon detachment is complete. Not sure what I'm going to start next.... I have some Gloomspite Gitz, more Battletech, OGRE and WH40K stuff I can paint. What does everyone (all of you many many peeps out there in the internet) think I should start next? Hit the comments!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

2nd Artillery models are all complete.

These are all of the models I have designated as 2nd Artillery. The Raven is assigned from 7th recon though, so I may need to buy a few more Strikers and Thors to round out the Battalion. I may also get 4 - 8 light tanks to assign as dedicated defensive units for the 2nd Arty. The paint took a few days to dry, but ended up darker and better looking than I originally thought.

2nd Arty as it stands now. Not a full battalion yet, but everything I have to paint. On to the 7th Recon assets [of which the Raven is assigned].

Thursday, March 5, 2020

After the wash

Picking out highlights and stuff. This looks like the SOP for the paint scheme. It do take some time though!