Friday, December 9, 2011

The BattleTech reader

I highly recommend this blog for all players of games. These guys are doing some incredible things to bring BattleTech back onto the gaming table:


Crappy Cell Phone Pics!

Goblin APCs
A\151st Goblin APCs - and also you can get Cheeze-Its on a 'buy on get one free' sale!

A\151st Mechanized Infantry - negotiating the Oregano and Basil jungle of my balcony.

And Again with Asparagus...

 I used Krylon Deep Red to prime the models - we'll see how it works as a base for a desert camo scheme...
Alpha, Bravo, HQ, and elements from Stryker Company.

Manticore Heavy Tanks and Maxim Heavy Hover Transports (for the infantry of course!)     - HQ Lance