Thursday, March 27, 2025

Project 3-1-2025

 Aaaaand here's another group for the mercenary Company:

Thursday, March 13, 2025

An eBay rescue of an old WHFB Classic Night Goblin Great Shaman!


A fairly nice start. Just some color changes and subtle cleanup on this one. 

This is the eBay mini I bought for cheap.

This is the updated colors for him:

Both Generals - Skragrott with the final touches on the base, and a Night Goblin Great Shaman for the WHFB Orcs and Goblins Army.


Some Timewasters waste time better than others

 Nuff said!

A Bookshelf Dragon: Reaper Bones Classic 77503 TEMPLE DRAGON

 A quick, dark Dragon for a bookshelf!

Project 2-2-2025 Mercs lot #3

 More silver Serpents Company reinforcements.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Reaper Bloodmane, Gnoll Champion

 I've had my eye on this mini for some time, and finally got to put some paint to it. This is a great sculpt:

Project 02-01-25 Mercenary Reinforcements

 Another 6 pack of mercs for the silver Serpent Company.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Another Exclusive Cow from the NTRPGCon!

 This is the third iteration of The Lord of the Great Plains miniature, which was an NTRPGCon exclusive miniature by a non shuttered Center Stage Miniatures. 

This one has been inked in The Book as 'The Butcher of Bastrop.' 

Venerable Dreadnought updated colors.

 Changing the red on this guy too. Also getting rid of the desert yellow and going with desert sand instead. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

***UPDATED: God of War story is completed 2025 Ps4 Timewaster Lot

God of War is the pick of the lot. Outer worlds is just serviceable in every way, but nothing to write home about. God of War on the other hand is a great game. It has it's flaws, but the story and the visuals are superb. I'm almost through the game, with Kratos just killing Baldur (finally!) last night.

The story is done.

A few screenshots of the people and places of the Nordic Realms:
The now defunct god Baldur.

Baldurs mother and former wife of Odin, Freya. 

The World Serpent

The god Memir.

The first defeat of Baldur

Commission Project 01-02-25 Crusader Knights

 These are a squad of Crusader Knights from The Barrons War series again I believe. Same as Richard the Lionheart. They turned out pretty good for all the freehand paint and the white paint that had to go on, but one of the shields got air trapped underneath the white paint. Not sure how that happened. 

This is the culprit. I'll have to do some research.

Here's the comparison with the test colors;